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Thoughts: Poor Games Performance Excuses

Last week I opened Twitter and news pages and saw …

Dev Blames Xbox Series S For 30 FPS

30fps games this gen “is inevitable” says X

Unreal Engine 5 is very demanding on the CPU and GPU and we’ll likely see 30fps as a result

… Ugh what?

We live in great times when everyone can download Unreal, Unity, and Godot and start making the game of their dreams. I’m really happy this is the time I am developing games myself as it has never been easier.

Sadly, this comes with the issue — we have so many game projects and a limited amount of game engine programming experts. And for well-working games — we need these experts.

Games are complex. Because of that, it is impossible for engines to be optimized out of the box for all possible use cases. Off-the-shelf engines are often multi-purpose they are optimized for common use cases and not for a specific insert open world/MMO/whatever/battle royale.

We need more engine programmers and experts — ideally from the beginning of the project — to guide the development within the limitations of the tech and optimize the engine along the way so it works properly with the game.

To summarize. I believe the issue is not what these headlines were saying. It is not a time and place to give up and say “it’s just X and that’s it”. It’s time to start hiring and paying well the engine programmers and any tech-savvy people so we can see more games with high-technical quality (for example 4K @ 120FPS) being released. Our hardware can do it.